Kamis, 12 April 2012


Narrator: Listen to a lecture by a biology instructor.

Many people think of gorillas as dangerous killers. One reason for this is that television and movies often show these animals this way. But gorillas are really gentle animals.

The gorilla is a vegetarian. It lives in the African rain forests where it finds the fruits and plants it needs to survive. A large, wild gorilla might eat over 40 pounds of leaves and fruit in one day.

Unfortunately, these peaceful creatures are in danger of becoming extinct. Each year, large areas of the rain forests are being cut down. Because there is less and less food from these forests, the number of wild gorillas is becoming smaller and smaller.

1. The passage describes gorillas as being:

a. Dangerous killers

b. Carnivores

c. TV and movie stars

d. Gentle animals

answer :

(d) Gentle animals

( because, as already described in the second paragraph )

2. According to the passage, why are gorillas in danger?

a. Because people keep hunting them.

b. Because they eat too much.

c. Because forests get too much rain.

d. Because their food supply is being destroyed.

Answer :

(d) Because their food supply is being destroyed.

( large areas of the rain forests are being cut down is they home and result in reduced their food )

3. If something is becoming extinct, it is:

a. Becoming lively.

b. Dying out.

c. Growing wild.

d. Getting sick.

Answer :

(b) Dying out

because, there is less and less food from these forests.

Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture in a wetlands ecology class. The professor is talking

about sanderlings.

Urbanization and coastal development has dramatically reduced the beach habitat available for foraging shorebirds worldwide. This study tested the general hypothesis that recreational use of shorebird foraging areas adversely affects the foraging behavior of sanderlings Calidris alba. Observations conducted on two central California beaches from January through May and September through December of 1999 showed that number and activity of people significantly reduced the amount of time sanderlings spent foraging. Although the sample size was low, the most significant negative factor was the presence of free running dogs on the beach. The experimentally determined minimal approach distance did not vary significantly with the type of human activities tested. Based on these results, policy recommendations for minimizing the impact of human beach activities on foraging shorebirds include: (1) people maintain a minimum distance of 30 m from areas where shorebirds concentrate and (2) strict enforcement of leash laws

A total of 492 focal birds were observed, of which a sanderling was disturbed by passing humans on an average of one every 15 min with 96% of those sanderlings responding to humans at a distance of 30 m or less. Sanderlings responded to human activity by either running (42%) or flying (58%). Within the 1-min sampling time, the disturbed sanderling generally moved once (58%), with 42% moving more than once due to human disturbance.

4. What hypothesis did this study test?

a. People maintain a minimum distance from where shorebirds congregate.

b. Recreational use of shorebird foraging areas conversely affects the foraging

behavior of sanderlings.

c. Recreational use of shorebird foraging areas adversely affects the foraging

behavior of sanderlings.

d. Recreational use of shorebird foraging areas adversely affects the foraging

behavior of sanderlings. 42% of shorebirds move due to human disturbance.

Answer :

(c) Recreational use of shorebird foraging areas adversely affects the foraging

behavior of sanderlings.

( already described in the first paragraph )

5. What percent of responding sanderlings were disturbed by passing humans at a

distance of 10 meters or less?

a. More than 70 percent

b. More than 80 percent

c. Less than 60 percent

d. Less than 0 percent

answer :

(b) More than 80 percent

( already described in the first paragraph )

6. What are some environmentally sound results to come from this study?

a. Enforcement of leash laws would be effective.

b. Observe Calidris Alba daily.

c. People should maintain a minimum distance of 30 meters from shorebirds.

d. Coastal development has dramatically reduced the beach.


(c) People should maintain a minimum distance of 30 meters from shorebirds.

7. This experiment determined that the most significant negative factor to reduce the

amount of time that sanderlings spent foraging was:

a. Humans passing once every 15 minutes.

b. Humans disturbing the sand

c. Sanderlings running or flying

d. Free running dogs


(a) Humans passing once every 15 minutes

(A total of 492 focal birds were observed, of which a sanderling was disturbed by passing humans on an average of one every 15 min with 96% of those sanderlings responding to humans at a distance of 30 m or less)

8. Woman: Pardon me. Do you know what time that this store opens?

Man: I do not, but I believe that it is written on the door.

Narrator: What does the man imply that the woman should do?

a. Look on the door

b. Open the door

c. Ask someone else

d. Come back later

answer :

(a) Look on the door

9. Woman: I am going to buy Johnny a toy train for his birthday.

Man: Are you sure he’d like one?

Narrator: What does the man imply?

a. Johnny loves toy trains

b. Johnny already has too many toy trains

c. Johnny said he wants a toy train

d. Johnny may prefer something else

answer :

(d) Johnny may prefer something else

10. Man: I need some shampoo for my hair.

Woman: All of the shampoo is in the back of the store on the third shelf.

Narrator: What will the man probably do?

a. Walk out of the store

b. Buy the shampoo

c. Come back later

d. Go to another store

answer :

(b)Buy the shampoo

11. Man: Are you going to go to the University of Texas to get your Doctorate?

Woman: I don’t think so.

Man: Why, have you been accepted to any other schools?

Woman: Yes, I have received news of acceptance from LSU, University of

Tennessee, and Harvard.

Narrator: What are the speakers discussing?

a. The University of Texas

b. Schools with Doctorate programs

c. Where the woman will go to school

d. Who can get accepted to the most schools

answer :

(c) Where the woman will go to school

12. Man: I’m really tired on studying for economics every weekend.

Woman: I hear you.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?

a. She has excellent hearing

b. She has heard the man talk about this frequently

c. She understands his point of view

d. She needs to have her ears checked

answer :

(c) She understands his point of view

13. Man: We are going to get ice cream. Would you like to come with us?

Woman: I am waiting for a package to be delivered.

Narrator: What does the woman imply?

a. She does not eat ice cream

b. She has no money

c. She does not like packages

d. She will not be going

answer :

(d) She will not be going

14. Woman: Are you going to go to the ball game?

Man: You bet!

Narrator: What does the man mean?

a. He will place a wager on the ball game

b. He will definitely go to the ball game

c. He likes to gamble

d. He does not like ball games

answer :

(b) He will definitely go to the ball game

15. Man: That’s a nice car.

Woman: I got it almost four years ago.

Man. It looks brand new.

Woman: Yes, it’s in good shape.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?

a. The woman needs a new car

b. She likes to exercise

c. She has a new car

d. The car is in good condition

answer ;
(d)The car is in good condition

16. Man: Did you get you movie passes?

Woman: I spoke to your secretary about it, and she took care of it for me.

Narrator: What does the man mean?

a. The secretary was responsible for getting the movie passes

b. The are no movie passes

c. He has the movie passes

d. The movie passes are in the mail

answer :

(c)He has the movie passes

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